
2002 Run What You Brung All Harley Drags, Kansas City.
Jeff won Modified XL, and was quicker and faster than the winner of Super Modified XL. "A Sportster with 96" engine".
This bike has a modified 1200 cc Buell engine with 100 HP on the rear wheel, and runs 11.52 E.T. in the 1 /4 mile.
Jeff on our Drag Chopper with Buell 1200 engine.
His best time the first day out was: 7.17 E.T. and 97 M.P.H. in the 1/8 mile.
Jeff Schneider, Winner, Modified XL.
A couple of pictures from when we went to Essen Germany,
with the late, Karl Smith a.k.a. Big Daddy Rat.